Payment Policy

  • Paypal

All orders require payment in full prior to shipping. Payments that have been rejected due to insufficient funds, incorrect billing information, or suspected fraud will not be shipped under any circumstance. We reserve the right to cancel any transaction or perform additional verification at our discretion.


Tax has been added in all the price list on the website.


Orders are not charged prior to shipping. An authorization is requested when an order is initiated. Paypal may put the requested funds on hold in your account to allow us to complete the transaction. This does not mean that the funds are in our possession, they are still under the control of the company or bank behind your chosen payment method.

Once all security and inventory checks have been completed successfully, we will attempt to initiate a charge for the authorized funds. You will be contacted if any issues arise during this process. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for your orders to be fully processed.


BMwoodturning reserves the right to refuse to process any transaction, sale, or shipment of orders due to a suspected fraud, unauthorized or illegal activity. As part of our order processing procedures, we screen all received orders for fraud or other types of unauthorized or illegal activity.

We may automatically refund your payment when an order received is found to be out of stock or discontinued. You may or may not receive a refund notification email from us when this case arises. Please check your account for refund information. If you have further inquiry please contact us at